Avon Anew Ultimate Gold Peel-Off Mask Review

My experience with the new gold peel-off mask:

Let me begin by saying I've never used a facial peel or mask before. After looking at those tragedies with the black masks and people almost taking their faces off, I decided against it 😂😂😂

I'd happily use my current skin care products that have changed my skin completely! Before, my skin was dull and lacked character. It was just like "blah." Now, it's brighter and my blemishes are almost all gone. How could I be any happier?

Then, Avon announced the new Anew Ultimate Gold Peel-Off Mask. To be fair, Avon does offer other masks. I actually have the Beauty Boost Face Masks Set that I've been putting off trying for the last couple of months. Yet, when I saw the new gold peel-off mask, I had to try it! It's GOLD! The gold screamed my name.

I placed my order on Monday and it arrived Thursday.

Peel off face mask Anew Ultimate Gold Peel Off Mask

Note: at the time of this review, the mask is not available to the public. It will be available online beginning April 18, 2018. You can register for a discount on your order on any products using my coupon code. Click here to register online.
When it's available, you can purchase it online here.

Product Description:

Look radiant after using the luxurious gold mask. Infused with a youth-boosting complex of vitamin B3 and botanical extracts, the peel-off mask helps skin look smoother, brighter and more luminous than ever.

Benefits of the Anew Ultimate Gold Peel-Off Mask:

• Makes the appearance of skin look lifted and tightened
• Leaves skin feeling hydrated
• Reduces the appearance of age spots
• Enhances skin clarity
• Visibly improves skin imperfections

How to Use the Anew Ultimate Gold Peel-Off Mask:

Apply a thin, even layer on cleansed skin. Leave on until dry. Gently peel off. Rinse with warm water. Use 1-2 times a week.

How Did I Use the Mask:

  1. Cleansed face with Refining Daily Scrub ( I was a little nervous about this as I didn't want to remove too much of my natural oils or irritate my skin)
  2. Used paper towel to remove excess water from face
  3. Poured the mask in my hand
  4. Applied the mask directly to my face with fingers
  5. Waited 3-5 minutes to peel off
  6. Went over face with retexturizing peel. It's been a while since I've used these but figured it would help remove the slight residue from the mask
  7. Applied moisturizer
Note: the instructions on the mask call for you to rinse with water. This is very possible because my face did not feel weighed down or sticky. It just had the residue of film in some areas where I peeled it off but still felt clean. Kinda looked like when you use Elmer's glue on your hands. Don't ask how I know that lol

What is the consistency of the mask:

The mask feels like honey. Think of the thickness without the stickiness. I felt as though I had better control over applying it a little heavier even though the instructions say use a thin layer. That could also be because it dried fairly quickly. Most masks dry in about 10-20 minutes.
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My initial review:

 At this time, I feel as though it's too early to do a full review as I've only used it once. Some of the benefits that it promises usually take time to show. We'll revisit in a month or so of continued use.

I'll begin by saying I'm very happy and surprised that my skin isn't irritated by the scrub, mask and retexturing peels. I can't believe I used them all in one day 🤦🏽‍♀️. Moving forward, I'll use my micellar cleansing water first or a gel cleanser so it's more gentle on my face. Just a precaution.
Once I applied the mask, I was nervous. Moment of honesty here, I have facial hair that I haven't removed it. I knew the mask would be gentle and I wouldn't need to yank my face off BUT I thought about the hair. Think of when you're ripping a band-aid off your arm. Ouch!
To my surprise, it didn't hurt at all. I didn't see any hair in the mask either lol
Initially, I felt the tightening of the mask and my skin felt hydrated. It's about 2.5 hours after the peel and my skin still feels the same. I have combo/oily skin and the oil has yet to show it's ugly little head; though, this may be my moisturizer working.
One thing is for sure: I know this is bad but I can't stop touching my face. It feels softer and smoother.
My little plunder:
I accidentally placed the mask on some of my bottom lashes on both eyes 🤦🏽‍♀️ . Sounds crazy but I actually decided to keep it there versus immediately rubbing it. I didn't want to smear it, make it spread and get into my eye. Also, I didn't want to rub off the peel that was already drying on my cheek.
I peeled it all off at once and it didn't even hurt when I removed it from my lashes. (Don't try that at home.)

Final Verdict:

I recommend this to anyone who loves skin care and masks. It's a definite must try; though I believe some of the benefits take time, I do love how soft, smooth and fresh my face looks and feels. To receive notification of when it's available, click here.

EDIT (after second application):

You've read my initial review and since then, I've used it a second time --- on April 15, 2018. A little over a week after the first time.
Here's how I used it:
  1. Cleaned face with Anew Clean Micellar Cleansing Water
  2. Let face dry completely
  3. Applied Anew Ultimate Gold Peel-off Mask directly to face with hands
  4. Peeled off mask after 20 minutes
  5. Cleaned face with a damp papertowel
  6. Applied nutraeffects Balance Night cream (moisturizer)
My observation: I noticed when applying to a dry face, it was easier for me to apply it. It still felt as though I was applying a thick cream or honey but it didn't take much effort to easily spread the mask.
I left the mask on longer this time. I felt like I put too much on my forehead so it took longer to dry. The longer the mask stayed on, the tighter my face felt. Who would've thought, right?
Once I removed the mask, my skin still felt tight. I couldn't really do too much assessment as we were rushing out to see Rampage --- I actually like the movie.
When we made it inside the movie theater, my mother-in-law couldn't figure out what changed. She looked at me, kept smiling, studied my face and then said I was glowing. She was really trying to figure out what I'd done differently. She even asked if I had makeup on --- I was completely bare face!
I honestly have to give the glowing face credit to the Anew Ultimate Gold Peel-Off Mask. Why? My mother-in-law has been seeing me at least 2-3 times per week without any makeup. She knows what my face looks like. Though I didn't really have time to study my face, she noticed it instantly. It was the first thing she said!
Verdict: I will continue to use the mask. Though the instructions say up to twice per week. I intend to use every Sunday.


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