Product Review: Avon Anew Vitale Day 2

December 29, 2015

Well, today is officially day 2 of my Anew Vitale trial and honestly, I'm disapppointed in myself. I fell asleep last night around 8 p.m. so I didn't get a chance to wash my face or use the night cream. Bad Natalie, Bad Natalie! *Smacks hand* Good sleep though :)

I woke up very refreshed and ran to the mirror. I needed to see what my skin looked like. I was afraid of break outs from switching to new products and my sensitive skin. My skin looked so refreshed and radiant! My skin looked as though I had moisturized it this morning by it wasn't too greasy. No dead/dry skin around my nose after being in the snow yesterday.

I quickly pulled out my Anew Vitale Gel Cleanser. I must add that it is a thicker consistency. I pulled out my Clean and Clear and it ran everywhere. I put a drop of the Vitale cleanser on the tips of my index and middle fingers and it stayed put. Once again, I washed my face thoroughly and went straight for the day cream. I only used a drop as a little goes a long way. I waited and no more minor irritation. So it only took a day for my sensitive skin to get adjusted. My skin feels so smooth and soft. It also has a more radiant glow. So far, I've already received two compliments on how pretty I look with absolutely no makeup. So that's a DEFINITE PLUS :)


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