The truth about being an Avon Lady

February 11, 2016

I just wanted to give a quick update. I've been working my Avon business for a few months and so far, I love it (again)! I've met some really nice ladies and have even formed friendships from mere acquaintances. It's a great topic for discussion :) I continue to pick up new customers every campaign and just recently began to build my own team.

Some things that I've learned:

1) Never give up
2) Never say never (except when you're saying "never say never")
3) Follow-up - as busy individuals, we often tend to forget so if you met a nice lady that seemed extremely interested but doesn't call you, you should call her
4) Don't be afraid to tell people about your Avon business - you are a genius! You started a business for only $15! Who else can say that?
5) Treat your customers how you want to be treated - this is a relationship business; people buy from you because they like YOU (there are other ways to get Avon)

I have a longer list but these are the basics. Honestly, I'm realizing most people are looking for an Avon lady. They may not wear a sign on their forehead but this is a company that is 130 years STRONG. Every household has had at least one Avon product. We are a very well-known brand. With that being said, they already love US. They just don't know that we exist.

Many of my customers are referrals. I picked up a new customer today who works with my current customer. She hadn't seen an Avon book in "ages" but loves the bubble bath and make up.

While visiting a customer, her neighbor came over and she introduced as "oh, oh, let me introduce you to Natalie. This is my Avon lady". She had the biggest smile on her face. She had a sense of pride. She's found one of Avon's hidden treasures! Of course, I was naturally as proud to be HER Avon lady.

Another lady stopped me on the street and said she didn't know there were Avon ladies anymore and she loved the household items! So the biggest lesson learned is to just get out there and have fun! If you're looking for new friends, something to do on weekends, or even just want your own favorite products at a discount, this is it!

Of course, there are more ways to sell Avon:

  • Face-to-face
  • Online
  • Fundraisers
Don't limit yourself to thinking there can only be one way. Challenge yourself to think outside of the box and if you're looking for a fun challenge, join me.

I regret that I stopped selling Avon. Yes, it is hard work rebuilding my business but it's good hard work. I can sit back and see the results from my actions. I'm working towards building a future for me and my family. What is it that you'd like to have accomplished?

  • Pay off debt
  • New house
  • New car
  • Friends
Join me now and together, we can make it possible. Click HERE to become an Avon representative today.


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